Timeline of CAN YOU MEND IT?

The following shows the timeline of CAN YOU MEND IT? Part 1  with dates, chapter titles per day and a hint of chapter content.


 10th, Saturday

  • Leaving (Joe leaves)
  • Pictures and Memories (D looks at pictures)
  • Grocery Shopping (Sarah shops for groceries and gets a call from Joe)
  • At the Airport (Joe waits at the airport and thinks about Eric)
  • Guess Who’s Coming (Sarah tells D that Joe is coming)
  • Reaching Amsterdam (Joe arrives in his hotel and gets a call from Christine)
  • Doing Dishes (D and her brother talk at Mom’s birthday dinner)
  • Dinner in Amsterdam (Joe has dinner with Christine)
  • Such a Nice Guy! (Robert and D talk about Pete)

11th, Sunday

  • Morning Sun Sneezes (Joe and Christine)
  • D’s Sunday Afternoon (D looks at the London folder and calls Pete from the lake)
  • Party and Pills (Joe attends party, later takes painkiller for his hand)

12th, Monday

  • Monday at Work (D’s and Joe’s days at work, D meets Robert for lunch)

13th, Tuesday

  • Sending it off (D sends off the job application)
  • Leaving Schiphol Airport (During flight Joe thinks about his Dad)
  • Tuesday Evening (on drive to Deens Joe gets call from Liz)
  • Lasagne Dinner (Sarah and Joe)

14th, Wednesday

  • Potato Salad Preparations * (D getting ready for grill party)
  • About Mom – and Dad… * (Joe and Sarah talk about Mom)
  • Grill Party (Joe and D’s first encouter)
  • Wrong Chauffeur (Jack’s car doesn’t start)
  • Finding a Phone (Joe finds D’s phone in his car)
  • Still up? (Joe takes the phone back to D)
  • Music and what it stands for… (Joe recognizes the music)
  • It’s still good music! (Joe knocks on D’s door again)

* In earlier versions  this was part of Chapter ‘Wednesday morning’, which was later split up in two Chapters.

15th, Thursday

  • Just forget about it? (Morning after staying at D’s)
  • Waffles or Pancakes… (Sarah finds an empty bed)
  • A Talk with Jack (about Liz, Sun and if Jack’s single)
  • Lunch, Shopping and Borrowing CDs (Sarah und D out together)
  • An Afternoon Alone (Joe shopping and checking e-mails and phone messaged)
  • Finishing the Tiramisu (Joe and D having dinner together)
  • Alligator Attacks (Joe and D…)

16th, Friday

  • Garbage bags (Joe and D packing up old clothes)
  • Breakfast with Sarah (Joe and Sarah talk about the past)
  • Parking Lot Reflections (Joe remembers things that happened three years ago)
  • My Dish, Your Sweater… (Sarah finds out where he’s been)
  • Calls (D calls Robert and Pete)
  • Lakeside Hotel Arrivals (getting to hotel, D and Joe have a quick exchange in his room)
  • Dinner from Hell (Call from Liz)
  • As if she had planned it… (Sarah and Joe talk in the bar)
  • Dark Road Home (Joe drives home)
  • Safety Measures and a Bad Night (Joe in Deens, D at hotel)

17th, Saturday

  • Awakenings (D feeling crappy)
  • If it means anything to you… (D and Sarah have a talk)
  • Going Swimming (Joe back at the hotel)
  • The Stalker (Joe and D in the lake)
  • Italian Dinner with Friends
  • Boat Ride (Joe and D on paddle boat)
  • Getting in the way of something? (Joe’s and Jack’s exchange in their room after boatride)
  • Drive Home from the Lake (in Joe’s car / in D’s car)

18th, Sunday

  • I don’t hate him… (D’s broken fridge and call from Mom)

19th, Monday and 20th, Tuesday

  • Are we still talking? (D calls Joe)

21th, Wednesday

  • Meeting with Steve (Joe and Steve meet and talk about business and Liz)
  • Gone Car (Joe’s car has disappeared)
  • Back off! (Finale)

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Can you mend it?